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[Some members of different religous beliefs in christianity are welcome to share. While I personally may not agree with some religions I still remain open for blessings and believe in fairness.
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Welcome to my lil bit of heaven on earth corner. Anchoring in Jesus through the physical storm of living with a chronic pain condition.
My heart has always felt the longing of God's holy spirit to reach out and touch others not as race, creed, or religion but equal beings in the family of God.
My hearts desire is to show others a hope beyond this ole world of wars, hatred, & illnesses.
If you are reading this then you are someone looking for Christ to mean something to you in this changing world.
I love the church hymnal reach out and touch the lord. I love knowing he Christ is reachable in just a nano second.
We in the support group are working fairly with the same principles and using the world wide web to reach out as christians lifting one another up and adding light to the paths that have been or has darkness rather it be as a sinner, struggling convert, physical needs, or more. Not here to condemn and fuss about religions.
God has blessed us with the ability to never feel alone anymore in the midst of our chronic pain journey. We have a whole bunch of prayer warriors reaching out and touching Jesus on one anothers behaves.
Some folks are frightened off bye the word christianity associated with true genuine salvation.
I've given salvation a thought just recently. Hollywood protrays christianity in a far different light than I personally believe.
During a meeting with a nice young man he asked my career or what my job is? I mentioned I'm a Respiratory Care Practitioner presently not working but keeping my license active.
This brought out a reaction from this young guy saying, "you're not going to preach to me about my smoking are you?"
My reaction is one I hoped Jesus was happy with. I said, " No, " looks like to me you already know the damage" and don't need me reiterating.
Many of us already know what's right and what's wrong in our lives and relationship with Christ.
Often, especially youth feel they have to give up to much to be saved and live for God. I share with them that they don't need to look or focus just yet on how much to give up. First things first, is give your heart to God and let God worry about the rest of your life.
There is no list of wrongs coming to salvation. It's during salvation we start a list and give up only the things we feel tugging at our heart to do so. When you are ready you'll know it. A pastor, preacher, teacher, nor youth leader has to start your list and tell you what to do. It's our pastor, preacher, teacher, youth leader that are standing bye to help lift your spirits during trying and difficult times. If you seek counsel with giving up something to serve Christ then the church leaders can offer an opinion but remember leaders are only human too.
Having a online support group for chronic pain and other related health issues often brings the best and the worst out in us and many times we hear, "And I thought you where a christian?"
The apostle Paul's teaching opened my mind to the realizatiion of dying out daily to this ole flesh or carnal self. And also in the book of Romans he teaches us to conform or be transformed to God's image; renewing our minds. The way to do this is to daily pray God give us overcoming power over flesh and give us an assurance we are patterning only after Christ.
There will be obstacles and trials resulting sometimes in us falling flat on our face but we are strong enough in the bible to pick ourselves back up and take the obstacle course over again.
I don't fully feel yet that God grades us on a curve but he nudges us to pick up little nuggets in our baskets for later references, and continued trials.
We strive daily in this walk of faith knowing the light is at the end of the tunnel.
Suffering with chronic pain sometimes makes the light very dim so this is why God called me to open my own Christian support group to join in others strength to push forward, and while pushing onward we are growing stronger spiritually, emotionally, and physically helping each other to gain the strength to live a better life during our ongoing chronic pains and other health related issues.
I hope the holy spirit opens all our hearts whom reads this to gleam at least one golden nugget and show us we are fighting the good fight of faith and together we are overcomers.

In my prayers, Kathy
©Kathy Brown 1/22/08 |