Welcome to Kats Lighthouse harbor
I am a Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner who currently suffers from A chronic Muscular Skeletal illness called Fibromyalgia in today’s layman terms. The Lighthouse has guided me through the difficult times so I want to share my story.
The Lighthouse represents a beacon of light, a guardian light sending rays of hope during the storms. There is an assurance in the safe harbor of the lighthouse that directs us to shelter. When I am in need of a shelter I look to the lighthouse, the rock of my salvation. This guides me to a harbor of safety from the raging stormy sea of life. God will never lead us where he can not give us complete shelter. My foundation is within this Lighthouse that over looks the stormy sea for its distant rays of shinning lights will guide me home.
The reality of the Lighthouse is to shed hope in the dark times. The natural or literal lighthouses were built over centuries ago with one purpose to bring ships to a safe harbor from the raging sea. There is lighthouses still reserved today. The designer knew it would save many lost souls you see.
I am reminded of a couple stories from my Sunday school and personal ministry days. This is a story of a real lighthouse that the disciples seen while in a little sail boat out on the dark stormy sea. In the midst of the storm a light shown forth named Jesus to give them hope and to rescue them to a safe harbor. Today this is the lighthouse I can see to. It stands erect with brightness and gives me hope from my darkness.
In the late 80’s I needed hope when Doctors told me that Bertha (bursitis) and Arthur (arthritis) had invaded my body. Well by 1990 I knew there had to be more to this Bertha and Arthur and goodness in 1992 the Rhuematologist diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I truly laughed to myself thinking this Doctor just is giving me a name out of the blue to make me feel better thinking that I really have something and not just crazy. Little did I know my life was about to change the course of history for me?
By the mid 90’s I was now suffering dearly and facing a storm that I could not overcome alone. I could barely see the light in the distance through this cloud of dark distress but decided it was not going to destroy my life totally. I was working two jobs, very active and outgoing in youth leadership position at my local church and evangelism, living my life to the fullness, but in 1998 darkness and pain took away my dreams and goals when I was hospitalized a few times, undergoing procedures to hopefully eliminate my pain and get me back active and working. My light was very dim during this time, but yet I saw the glimmer of a lighthouse in the distance.
The faith once strong now was just a glimmer of a distant light until I cried out in my distress and looked toward the outstretched hands of the master standing guard over the lighthouse. This is when I began to pray for that light to lead me to physicians that could offer me hope and understand I was a real human being in physical pain and the emotional pain was from those who refused to believe that fibromyalgia was a real chronic illness.
In May of 2001 I started seeking for a support system and in June I found the Fibro-Angels and my life has never been the same. Yes, this is a fibro group with different people of different walks of life and with all our flaws we are working toward one purpose to find a safe harbor and to give hope to chronic sufferers. In 2003 I opened my own site Fibro Angels Guiding Light and made this my safe harbor to give and to receive because my whole life has been dedicated to the ministry of hope.
So, welcome to my home Fibro Angels Guiding Light on the World Wide Web where there is still a light shinning from the old lighthouse giving out hope during our darkness. I am proud to invite you to take a walk through the storm while at the same time receiving encouragement that there is a caring people and most of all a caring God.
My invitation extends to not only to those suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but to those who just feel you need a friend to help you see the glimmer of light again from the lighthouse that over looks the stormy sea.
Please feel free to join our Msn harbor .
Don’t Quit
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt--
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be nearer when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit--
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
`author unknown`
Danny Hahlbohm artist©
Some of my other stories can be read and seen under these links:
Background used with permission 9/20/02 at The Fibro-Angels site where my story appeared first.
*A special thanks to Darla Brewer of (Fibro-Angels) & Susan Middlemiss (Fibromyalgia Help) for their faith in me offering inspiration for me to share my story and allowing me the means.

Kathy Brown ©2002-2007 Revised 5/22/2006 |