Special interest Links

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Your Guide to Understanding and Improving Life with Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Pains
Deborah A. Barrett, PhD (Used with permission!)
FAQs (on fms/cfs)
Please click each underlined hyper-text questions for answers.
What is Fibromyalgia?
See the list of informative links compliments of www.prohealthnetwork.net
and www.immunesupport.com
Understanding Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Tenderpoints
Be sure to check out "Letter To Normals"
What are trigger point injections?
What is MPS?
What are my rights? Patient Bill of Rights. AAPM
Disability helpful links:
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) Disability Issues
Helping Fibromyalgia Patients Obtain Social Security Disability
Fibromyalgia Disability | Alec G. Sohmer, Disability Lawyer
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Disability & Legal Assistance: Frequently Asked Questions
..Fibromyalgia and the Disability Dilemma Friendly Print
Filing For Disability Benefits
requirements for disability benefits, fibromyalgia
Winning Your Disability Claim: Fibromyalgia. by Mark DeBofsky - Daley, DeBofsky and Bryant
Fibromyalgia Disability Information
Fibromyalgia and Social Security Disability
Canada: Fibromyalgia and CPP Disability Benefits - Suite101.com
Social Security: The Role of the Physician by Joshua W. Potter, Esq.
Spotlight information from the NFA-National Fibromyalgia Association
Tips for Successful Disability Applications
When Is Disability Appropriate?
Natural and Holistic Approaches
Prohealth network
Please click link to get us rated with stars. Thanks!
Fun helpful Tools by Bravenet
Need some fun?
Try Scavenger Hunt from The Pumpkin Shell
Scavenger Hunt - Hosts Guide to Adventure! URL: http://www.thepumpkinshell.com/
All ages, 4 levels, themes, characters, roleplay!
{hope to add more fun links soon}
It's Finally Here! ProHealth is thrilled to announce that the acclaimed documentary, Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts has just been released and is now available for purchase at ProHealth's Immunesupport.com store! | |
Receives Rave Reviews The DVD premiered at the prestigious National Fibromyalgia Association's 2006 National Patient Conference where it met with rave reviews from patients and doctors alike.
A Very Real Disease Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts gives you a front row seat to some of the most exciting, cutting-edge research being done in the field. Perhaps more importantly, however, the film effectively documents the suffering and organic nature of the disorder: this is a very real disease with invisible yet devastating symptoms.
An Invaluable Tool Patients will find this DVD to be an invaluable educational tool to share with friends, family, and even doctors, to 'prove' that their disease is real and has life changing effects. |
Fascinating New Research and Treatment Therapies Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts juxtaposes the extraordinary human suffering that patients must endure, with the scientific journey to develop effective diagnostic tools and therapies. Patients discuss their struggle with Fibromyalgia, and researchers tell of the hope that fascinating new brain imaging technology has given them in their search for effective treatments. A novel pharmaceutical drug therapy also is discussed, along with graphic proof of its effectiveness.
The DVD Includes:
Patient interviews and frequently asked questions
Fibromyalgia facts and doctor commentary
Explanation of causes and symptoms
Dramatized workings of the central nervous system
Latest research findings from noted Fibromyalgia specialists
Treatment and lifestyle techniques
Patient resources
Run time 37 minutes
Now Available for a Limited Time! This important and highly acclaimed documentary has been in demand and ProHealth's Immunesupport.com is honored to make it available for purchase. We have a limited number of copies on hand so purchases are on a first come, first serve basis. To purchase your very own copy, please act now by visiting our online store at www.immunesupport.com or by calling 800-366-6056 M-F, 6-5 Pacific Time. |
ProHealth/ImmuneSupport advertisement and copyright.
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FMS and CFS Exercise Programs
SIT AND BE FIT with Mary Ann Wilson
Award winning exercise is a PBS Television series.
DVD and VHS can be ordered from www.sitandbefit.org or call (509) 448-9438 |
Please feel free to check out all our special links located at our most active board harbor.
Fibro Angels Guiding Light Msn Groups
and our Archives located at our Msn lighthouse harbor home which touch on several topics related to chronic pain as FMS/CFS.
Special Note: I do not endorse nor make money from the advertising links shared here.
ŠArtwork by Alan Giana graphics by Lady Barbara