"We are people touching hearts offering a spiritual Guiding Light"
The Staff and I Welcome you to our Harbor where we pray the lights never go out.

God's oil keeps the ambers of the Lighthouse shinning in our harbor as we throw out the lifeline anchor. How you might ask? We offer an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, a cyber hug in which we have prayed that you can feel through God's loving spirit and simply extend our love from the heart as we pray for the heart of God daily.
If you are reading this then more than likely you or someone you know and love suffers from chronic pain and you are seeking a security of peaceful bliss and a safe harbor from the storms. Here at Fibro Angels Guiding Light we can not promise that we can take the pain away but we can offer prayer and support and most of all friendship.
My Mother use to say this, "God did not promise us a rose garden." So remember we can not have the roses without the thorns.
We here at the site can offer an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. The key to living this day to day struggle is liken unto all others One Day at a Time.
I love the old Church hymnal "Amazing Grace" through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come.
When faith abides we are guided by the Master's great hand and can endure.
Please pull up a recliner get comfy and see the bonds of friendship of those with chronic pain.
Keep in mind that we are just angels in training and that God has encamped his protecting angels to watch over us.
For he shall give his angels charge over the: to keep thee in all thou ways. Psalms 91:11
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed that we do not see the ones which open for us.
'by Alexander Graham Bell'


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